In today’s Mining Industry high quality fuel, a clean fuel system and clean combustion is crucial for an engine to run efficiently and at the lowest cost per hour. Unplanned Down-time is a profit killer.
Engine Cleanliness + Fuel Quality = Lower Fuel Cost + Lower Maintenance Cost + Lower Pollution + Lower Down-Time
Click the links to see how these products can save your Mining costs
In the mining industry, diesel fuel is typically stored for long periods while in transport and before being used by mining equipment. The fuel is typically used non-stop in a wide range of remotely located vehicles which run consistently for hours on end resulting in significant mechanical stress, particularly with modern high-pressure direct injection systems.
Diesel fuel typically begins to degrade after less than 30 days from the time it is refined. Most fuel has to be shipped long distances to the mine site, giving the fuel extra time to degrade. As it degrades, the chemical stability of diesel declines and it becomes easier to be biologically contaminated. With mining operations using thousands of litres of fuel per shift, any storage tank contamination can quickly spread to many of the engines operating on the site.
How we save you fuel, maintenance and downtime costs
The advent of Biodiesel further increases the risk of contamination. These fuels made from plant materials may contain some "unconverted" vegetable oil, traces of methanol, lye, glycerine, soaps, etc. Water is particularly fond of biodiesel and bonds easily. In addition, the fuel oxidises in storage, especially when exposed to moderate to high temperatures.
The impact of poor-quality diesel will probably not be immediately noticeable in engine operation but is highlighted by common problems such as:
- Poor starting
- Reduced engine power
- Rough idle
- Increased fuel consumption
- Excessive smoke
Commonly, fuel contamination leads to costly injector failures and over time, deposits, corrosion, and damage can accumulate until the engine fails rendering crucial equipment disabled until they can undergo critical repairs.
With complex engine failures and the required parts not being immediately available, these repairs could take extended amounts of time to be repaired and invariably increase vehicle down-time and costs.
By prioritizing fuel quality, operation managers can significantly reduce equipment issues and failures while maintain high levels of fuel efficiency and lower overall costs.
FUELTREAT has years of experiencing in dealing with remotely stored Fuels and Storage issues. We dose millions of liters for customers annually with electronically controlled dosing units or by simply adding our additives to the customers tanks.
Our FUELTREAT engineered additives are designed and manufactured to increase fuel life and stability, reduce oxidation of diesel fuels including biodiesels. Our engineered biocides are designed to stop fuel contamination from occurring or to sterilize fuel that has become contaminated saving.
Our fuel testing kits identify contamination issues quickly, allowing rapid treatment if required. We can design, manufacture and install fuel polishing equipment or use our mobile service to restore fuel back to new…or better.
Click the links of our Mining related products to learn how these products can lessen your fuel and maintenance costs and reduce down time.
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